West Point
High School

Home of the Dragons!

Group of staff members in front of dragon mural

Leadership Academy

Mission Statement

The West Point Leadership Academy is a four-year program that is dedicated and focused on every student earning admission to a university with the academic and leadership skills necessary to succeed while also becoming college, career, and life-ready young adults.

The West Point Leadership Academy is a four-year program that is dedicated to developing students’ academic and leadership skills. Our school-within-a-school model is focused on every student earning admission to a university with the skills necessary to succeed. All students in the academy will develop the academic strength and leadership skills necessary to compete globally. What makes the academy unique is that it is open to any student who would like to enroll. Academy students participate in the same school-related activities as all other students on campus, including the arts, athletics, and CTE programs. The advanced and college-level course work our students take is both rigorous and rewarding. Our academy aims to build quality relationships with each student while striving to create a community of life-long learners. Additionally, students will connect with Luke Air Force Base personnel to learn about a variety of professional careers.

You will enter as a student and exit as a leader!

Our Leadership Academy includes:

  • Leadership and management skills
  • Grade-level cohorts to foster teamwork and collaboration
  • Rigorous academic curriculum, including AP and advanced courses
  • Team of teachers to support academic needs
  • Application of academic skills, STEM, and C3 framework
  • Community services and volunteering opportunities
  • Luke Air Force Base supported field trips and events

Please note: Leadership Academy students take pride in the academy by wearing approved leadership attire.

Six Leadership Academy Team members standing under leadership mural on wall

Leadership Team

Program Director:
Mr. Peter Washington
Email: peter.washington@tuhsd.org